Whether you are in search of specific support as an author, or you need a full-compliment team of experts, our Team can deliver! Our goal is to make your job as a writer and author, as easeful as possible!
Every step we take with you on your authoring journey is tailored to who you are, how you take in information, and what your experiences may have been as a published author.
It has been our experience that far too many very promising authors forgo becoming published because they’ve had a poor experience with a publisher who may have promised them far more than they delivered. We’ve been there ourselves, and we know just how disappointing and difficult that can be.
Our promise to you is that we will always endeavor to treat our authors as we ourselves expect to be treated as authors. Our promise isn’t ‘lip service’. Our authors choose us because they experience our professionalism every step of the way. Our unique perspectives, our forward thinking, our vested interest in your book, are all reasons we draw to us only the very best authors who are seeking the most discerning experience, and expect us to deliver!
Judith brings with her over four decades of writing experience. As a Freelance writer and researcher, Anthology and single title author, Judith assists authors in mapping out their vision to see the bigger picture, and instills within new, first-time authors the confidence to move forward with their dreams to become a published, successful author, blissfully.
Judith is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Hypnotist, MINDSCAPE Facilitator, International Speaker, Best Selling Amazon author, contributing author in several co-authored books, and most importantly she is a mom to five amazing adult children, and MIA to four precious grandchildren.
She is pursuing her PhD in Transpersonal Counseling, and her Ministerial Designation. When not busy writing, teaching, coaching and publishing amazing authors works, Judith spends time with her family and grandchildren, and enjoys traveling and cruising with her husband whenever time & opportunity permits.
We collaborate with the best to provide a unique blend of services to support all your authoring needs. We are always looking for new partners to collaborate with, so if you are interested, please email us at info@carnelianmoonpublishing.com. We look forward to connecting with you.
A rare gem delivering publishing services to discerning authors